Where is the Spring Fling?
The 2021 Spring Fling will take place at Franklin Creek in The Landings. The online auction will take place virtually from the comfort of your own home!
What is the attire?
Casual! You will be outside so make sure to dress comfortably and wear sun protection!
Please be sure to bring a mask or face covering for when you are indoors.
How does online bidding work?
Please visit our online bidding page to learn how this easy process works!
What steps are being taken to limit the spread of COVID-19?
By eliminating the evening portion of this event, we will drastically reduce the possibility for transmission of COVID-19. However, with any gathering, there is always a risk of infection. We will be encouraging the wearing of masks at all times unless eating or drinking. Temperature checks will be required for all participants in addition to a health screen form and a signed waiver. Extra steps will be taken to clean and sanitize all items and spaces. Extra hand sanitizer and wipes will be available throughout the day. Participation for Pickleball is limited to 50 people per session. The Kids Court Sports clinic is limited to 32 participants.